Reality Scan

Hi everyone. The launch of Reality Scan is a real surprise. I have some questions regarding this new interesting software:

1.- Do this software also works for android?. In case not, when is it planned to have it?.
2.- What is the cost of this new software?. Does it works with Reality capture software -enterprise license?. How would work?.
3.- What would be the cost of each scan in Reality scan?
4.- What are the limitations of this new software?. I mean in number of photos taken, quality of the photos needed, number of scans produced, etc.
5.- Is there any difference in quality of final work, disk space, etc. between Reality scan and Reality capture?.
Thank you

Hi F198,
I will try answer your questions.

  1. Not now, but Android version is planned to release next year
  2. It is free, you don’t need to have the ENT license, the model is computed on our servers and then uploaded to Sketchfab.
  3. Nothing, it is free.
  4. There is limitation for 200 images per model. For capturing is used phone’s camera.
  5. The quality should be the same, as the images are processed be RealityCapture on the servers. If you download the images, process them and compare, the models will be very similar.

Hey F198! You can find all your answers on the RealityScan product page and the blog post and more.

  1. Android is coming in 2023
  2. Its free :slight_smile:
  3. 0 :slight_smile:
  4. Current limit is 200 photos per scan. There are no limits for scans on the RealityScan side. There are, however, some limits on Sketchfab side. With your first upload from RealityScan you will receive a Sketchfab Pro account. More info here
  5. RealityScan uses RealityCapture in the cloud for processing, and it uses the High detail preset