Reality Scan Android - fail to connect images

Hey guys. I’m trying to continue a discussion I started on one of the YT videos. Every time i reach 10 images, all of em fail. I tried 4 or 5 times with more pictures, more dense and set more apart and the result was always the same - also the frames are always empty inside with no preview of the picture i took. I don’t know if it’s an issue with access permision or something else? I’m using Android Redmi Note 7

Same here. Haven’t been able to create a single scan. Every image gives the Red error.

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Same issue… android bug ?

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Yes same problem. Shot a lot of photos, or a few. Have been overlapping them really close or took more space. Same problem persists…

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Hi, We are working on identifying the issue and introducing the fix as soon as possible.
Thank you for your patience.


Same here, Galaxy s10. Haven’t been able to complete a single scan

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Same here. S23 ultra.

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I also face the same problem, no matter how close the photos are together. It
just randomly decides to turn some photos red. This whole issue registers the entire application completely unusable for me and many other android users as the scans are basically incomplete, and do not resemble the original object at all.
I hope you will be able to release an update regarding this very issue as soon as it is possible becouse of the severity of this bug.

I’m having the same issue on my SM Note8. Not a single photo has been accepted by the app, and they appear completely blank in the list.

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Hi EpicChris, we’re very sorry to hear that RealityScan doesn’t work on your device. Could you reach out to us at So, we can work with you to try to reproduce the issue.
Thank you!

Hi Georges00110001, we’re very sorry to hear that RealityScan doesn’t work on your device. Could you reach out to us at So, we can work with you to try to reproduce the issue.
Thank you!

Hi bsanr, We are working on identifying the issue and introducing the fix as soon as possible.
Thank you for your patience.

I have the same problem. After taking 7 pictures, all other pictures fail to connect.

Same here, and go figure I’m teaching a workshop tomorrow where I asked all the students to install RealityScan… This worked fine a few months ago, what happened?

Hi @SweetSherina,

Can you attach here the screenshot of the image gallery of your images so we can better see what is going on there?

Hi @vzm.hkeyser,

Can you too attach here the screenshot of the image gallery of your images so we can better see what is going on there?

Please feel free to send us feedback through the RealityScan app. Just open the RealityScan app, go to its settings, scroll down, and click on the “Submit Feedback” button.
Also, please provide as much detail as possible with the repro steps and frequency of the issue you are experiencing. This way, we can target the problem faster. Thank you! :slight_smile: