Reality Capture settings

Hi there!
where are settings stored? I have to format and reinstall windows and would like to keep my reality capture settings.

Hi Alberto Moreno

First check until when you have activated RC license on the PC as when you reinstall Windows you loose licensing infos and if its not properly managed you cant reactivate the license for certain period of time.

For the settings go to WORKFLOW->SETTINGS->EXPORT GLOBAL SETTINGS ( and import them back again on same place )

I cannot use the export global settings because my windows crashed and I have only access to copy all files on HD, but not using reality capture :frowning:

I have the steam version, so I think I’ll not have problems with the license, right?


Hi Alberto Moreno

STEAM license. yes no problem can freely reinstall the Windows. But would try recover the crashed drive if its possible…

yes, I’ve recovered all the data, can I copy the Reality Capture settings from anywhere?

Was this resolved? I’ve installed RC onto a new computer after the license expired on my old system. I wasn’t aware of the Export Global Setting feature until now when the exported models are not reproducing the same way.

Please let me know if there is a way to transfer the Global Settings other than to purchase another 3 month license for the old system.