Hello everyone,
i’m new to Reality Capture and i am trying to import an interior of a building with pictures that i took with a matterport 360° camera. i’ve managed to import the pictures and RC aligned images into small groups. When i generate the mesh of each group individualy with their textures i get a relatively bad render.
I am looking to understand why RC is arranging the images like that and if there is a way to optimise the quality of the render.
I suppose that the decompilation into small groups could be the reason of this low quality result but i dont know how to regroup them into one. And in case the issue comes from my pictures, i am currently trying to export the matterport pictures into RC to see if i get a better mesh.
TLDR : I’m new to Reality Capture and using it to import interior photos from a Matterport 360° camera. After importing, RC aligns the images into small groups, but when I generate meshes, the quality is poor. I’m trying to figure out why RC is organizing the images this way and how to improve the render quality. I suspect the grouping is the issue, but I’m not sure how to combine them. I’m also testing different exports from Matterport to see if that helps.