Reality Capture - How to generate an interior of a point cloud

Hello everyone,

i’m new to Reality Capture and i am trying to import an interior of a building with pictures that i took with a matterport 360° camera. i’ve managed to import the pictures and RC aligned images into small groups. When i generate the mesh of each group individualy with their textures i get a relatively bad render.

I am looking to understand why RC is arranging the images like that and if there is a way to optimise the quality of the render.

I suppose that the decompilation into small groups could be the reason of this low quality result but i dont know how to regroup them into one. And in case the issue comes from my pictures, i am currently trying to export the matterport pictures into RC to see if i get a better mesh.

TLDR : I’m new to Reality Capture and using it to import interior photos from a Matterport 360° camera. After importing, RC aligns the images into small groups, but when I generate meshes, the quality is poor. I’m trying to figure out why RC is organizing the images this way and how to improve the render quality. I suspect the grouping is the issue, but I’m not sure how to combine them. I’m also testing different exports from Matterport to see if that helps.

Hi, 360 cameras are not supported in RealityCapture, you can expect poor quality results. You can try changing the distortion model in the alignment settings to division and possibly get slightly improved results. The small groups is due to those groups not aligning with one another. There are a few other things you can try to improve results but you are unlikely to end up with anything fantastic, and may do better just using a mobile phone, I have added this thread to our 360 camera feature request.

Thanks for your anwser. :slight_smile: