Pourquoi la version 1.5 n’est pas téléchargeable ?
Can you check it also there:
Hello @OndrejTrhan,
Unfortunately, it seems I encounter the exact same issue as the initial author. Is there an issue with the version being available in France, somehow?
I don’t have the version picker at the location you mentionned - and it’s also unavailable, as in the author’s screenshot for me. Would love to download it, tho!
Thanks a lot.
Best regards,
Hello Blaklis-sectest,
can you try these recommendations: Knowledge Base: RealityCapture tab not working on Epic Games Launcher?
Hey @OndrejTrhan,
I tried those solutions before posting - but seems like the problem automatically resolved itself today. Today, the 1.5 version was not unavailable by default and had an “Install” button in the library. After clicking it, it did get back to “Unavailable” - but restarting the Epic Games launcher was sufficient to access the store page for it.
This is still not working super well - but at least, I have it!