I am not in games development, but rather a writer. I have a SciFi series, and it gets very tricky to get multiple covers with the same character, hence that I want a figure that I set in multiple environments so as to generate the covers. As I do not want to generate such a figure from scratch (I prefer to write), I am looking for somebody generating it for me.
- Girl must be realistic
- Blond, 12-13 years old (she is growing in the series)
- Must look similar to the current model used for the series (see En órbitas extrañas or In strange orbits )
- Obviously, must be able to have realistic movements so that I easily generate the scenes
- I am free to market the results (obviously not the model itself)
Up to you:
- You tailor an existing model (provided it belongs to you, of course), as long as you deliver it to me with the configuration I request.
- I do not need exclusivity (you resell the model for games, or whatever) if provided at a reasonable price.
- No need for an environment
- I am flexible with clothes, but would prefer some kind of futuristic spacesuit (no helmet)
- Books whose cover is made with this model will credit you.
If any of you provide me with this, I am greatly interested (provided I afford it, of course ;))