Realistic Planet

Entirely done using Unreal Engine 5

Tutorial Video:

Render Video:


Greetings, @praveenkumarappu; I hope you’re doing well! These screenshots are phenomenal. My favorite one is the one with the astronaut and floating cigarette beside them; it definitely made me chuckle. :laughing:

Thank you for sharing your incredible Realistic Planets with us here in the Unreal Engine Forums! :grin:

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Haha thanks then you should definitely watch render video :wink::wink:

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@praveenkumarappu, I had the opportunity to watch your “Realistic Planet” render video, and it was an incredibly detailed and informative explanation! Kudos on the job well done. :sunglasses: :+1:

P.S. Both of the YouTube links you have attached redirect to the same video, is that correct?

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Oops i didn’t see that render video is different video it’s not tutorial. 90s Vibes😌 - YouTube

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You were not kidding, @praveenkumarappu; the rendered video is amazing and a must-watch! Thank you again for sharing your incredible creation with us here in the forums. :sunglasses: :+1:

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