Realistic Minecraft-style game

Hey guys! I’m a teenager in high school. I’ve wanted to make video games for my entire life, and for a while I wanted to be a professional game designer. While I am looking more at being an engineer, I still enjoy video games. I’ve made a few projects before and trashed them all. I recently had dream about a game and I started working on it today. The idea is basically Minecraft if it did everything that people wished it would, like make life like villages and improve combat, but with realistic graphics. I’m making this project with my friend. I’ll add to this with new updates and screenshots. I’m hoping to finish making a small vertical slice in a couple of months. Leave a comment if you’re interested and feel free to give plenty of tips.

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Hey there @Spec_Ops_Radar! Welcome to the community! One of the main reasons you haven’t seen another game with the scale and design of Minecraft is that it’s one of the most difficult genres to work with, especially for a beginner. This is incredibly ambitious, and I’d recommend starting with the tiniest pieces to get a handle on it to begin with.

To that end the first thing I’d say to look into is how you’d handle the procedural generation aspect. Voxel plugin has a free lite version that lets you create a voxel based world. You could take a look at using that or it’s paid version if you don’t want to handle the voxel generation yourself.

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Can voxel be used for realistic worlds as well? I see a lot of low poly and blocky stuff but not many high quality graphic examples.

ok. So, I recently introduced a friend to the project, and we are working on it together now. I expressed some doubt on this project’s premise and I was stuck between the original micecraft-inspired idea and a more traditional Eldin Ring-inspired souls-like game. My partner told me he thought the second one more for a beginning project, and he also really likes more narrative games. I mostly agree with him. I think they both have a lot of pros and cons, but for a teenage indie developer in a team of 2, I think the second one will be a lot easier. If anyone sees this, what do you think I should do and do you have any suggestions for it?

You can tighten the fidelity with smaller voxels and marching cubes to make it more realistic but you’re likely overestimating the computer power of modern hardware if you want higher levels of control and fidelity than voxels will offer. In the most optimistic light, if you need full destructible terrain in the vein of minecraft, you’re looking at lots of focused and custom and complicated work. The solution I offered is more in line with a beginner. There are other approaches, but none nearly as accessible as voxels for a newcomer.

A more controlled less technically complex narrative based game would be much easier as a learning experience, though you will still have to reign in your scope. This will save you lots of abandoned projects over the years. Basically any genre you can find full tutorials for is a solid bet, as if you ever get stuck you can check how other implementations are done.

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