Great, looking forward to that as I’m a big X-Plane on Ubuntu user.
Very cool, ! You obviously know what you’re doing. If you need an additional DK2 tester let me know
Great job,
I’thinking to start an Hang Gliding simulator ad was thinking on the Fly Dynamic Model. Did you integrate JSBSim into your UE4 ?
Any further progress or updates since last month @?
I know you said you were packaging up an alpha build but was that going to be something that the community could extend or was your plan to just package an executable with pak files?
I ask for a few reasons. I might be wrong but it seems like you are working on this independently and for hobby/fun. I guess what I’m about to say hinges on whether this project has a business model attached or if you’ll allow the code to be extended. You could probably do both but I’m not as much interested in the dynamics of the airplanes and all that C++ as I am about building a network of real world airfields. Personally, I’ve followed the X-Plane 10 threads waiting for a VR plug-in but they are far from that. I know there are other sims with VR available but I’m dedicated to the UE4 platform. So the closest flight sim in UE4 I’ve seen as having true potential is your project.
I’ve been experimenting with MicroDem and TerreSculptor to create large scale maps and have the basic landscape materialized for my current airfield LITH 3CK and the surround area. Even if you were to not allow the code out of your hands it would be cool to allow map add-ons that could be loaded and streamed. Would be even cooler if you could select a something like a 3, 4 or even 10 mile final approach for each map. A few years ago, I used X-Plane World Editor to create 3CK and it’s in a fairly realistic state. Too bad there is no way to export all those assets and import them into UE4.
I’m interested to hear your thoughts on whether the community can contribute to speed up delivery or not.
Thanks, no i just compute the wing forces (from actual airfoils) and apply it to the rigid body. JSBSim would be hard to use in UE4 as it has no dynamic/shared exports, thus linking statically would make your code forcefully GPL.
Awesome work so far, especially with the air dynamics.
Please go full on balls-to-the-walls detailed with the cockpit… I love it when I can mess around with every single switch and button (just like the real thing) :).
If you want to take it to the next level, you can also implement some kind of engine repairing and checking before take off… which (afaik) it hasn’t been done before.
I’ve been a little bit busy with work, tho i got the DK2 and I’m working on the instruments right now, it looks great, but i’m not that excited since i’m sensible to motion sickness. I’ll try to send you a VR version for testing purposes.
Im planning to just release a packaged version in the short term as it’s too early to think about licensing it or open source it (or both), but i do contemplate starting a community based simulator that uses this future module/plugin.
I’ll keep in touch.
Thank you for the interest.
Very nice.
About MS, last part is interesting
Thanks for the reply, . Looking forward to a VR version for testing and your further progress.
Great job,
I develop my own flight sim engine in C++. My inputs are polar airfoils and model geometry and my output is a matrix with 3D translation and rotation vector.
I am a beginner with UT4 and see all video tutorials. I am now looking for a good way to include my engine in UT4, could you help ?
This is awesome, I would love to test this. I am advid X-plane pilot and scenery developer here, but have been dying to use a modern engine like UE4 to make our airports look amazing. X-plane graphics/development are very difficult to work with, and full of work around to get the look we want.
Anyway, If you need some airfields created, let me know
Looks great, was wondering about the possibilities for flight sims with this. Will have to keep my eye on this. Ever need an extra crash test pilot I’ll happily volunteer.
This looks nothing but awesome. Great work. Looking forward to see more of future development.
Any updates, @ ? Also, can you lend any insight to what blueprint class you used for the aircraft itself? Thanks!
Hi. I’m very interested on developing very realistic flight simulation (like DCS) but civil and with surviving elements. I don’t know about the unreal engine, if it’s suitable for huge area. Maybe someone wants to work on Sky Citizen ;–)
Some updates, game has been greenlit and scheduled for early access realese by april.
Some more info here: Steam Community :: Error
This is very interesting - I too am keen on finding an alternative to MS’ simulator franchise. Keep up the great work!
Hey, so you’re controller is unbelievable. I am working on an art project that I thought I could achieve easily, but cant really as a noob. essentially I just need to have a character (with wings, not a plane) changing from walking/running to taking off, and then flying around an area. Any help or pieces of blueprint that you could share to help me?
Regardless, looks amazing and thanks. Good luck!
Any updates on the release? On steam it says Q4 2016…