We are pleased to release an update of Weather Advanced Rain and our latest release includes 7+ blueprint examples ( cover ground, cloud, wall, stone, glass, water, basic shape and so on ) with 14+ rain related materials, 3+ material functions ( top ripple rain, side drip rain, rain effect ) and 13+ UI elements and Icons. Weather Advanced Rain is a fully functional set of rain-related visual effects and materials. With this pack, we believe you can easily customize new materials and material instances set.
- Rain Puddle and Cover Ground
- Top Rain Ripple
- Side Rain Drip
- Heavy Rain, Small Rain Particles
- Small Rain Splash, Heavy Rain Splash
- Rain Sky, Lightning Flickering
- Rain Post Process
- Rain Sound
- GUI Used: [UI (UMG) Pack - Clara]
Number of Blueprints: 7
Number of Widgets: 4
Number of Images: 13
Number of Textures: 34
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 26
Number of Material Functions: 4
Number of Particles: 6
Number of Static Meshes: 4
Number of Sounds: 5
Collision: Yes, automatically generated
LODs: No
Texture Resolutions: (512, 4096, 8192)
Vertex Count: 180 ~ 10086
Input: Keyboard, Mouse
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: Tested on Windows
Supported Target Build Platforms: Tested on Windows