hi, an architecture student in Uganda, been using unreal for “not so long” and am hoping to develop AR for real time viz.
yes i know there is vr, but of cos vr comes with hard ware requirements that "not everyone"has or afford (more so my country)

i want to connect with anyone intreseted, regardless of level of experince in unreal or which feild
plus it would be awesome to get feed back from u guys if “if this is possible” how far can it go, how it can run on different platforms preferrebly mobile and of cos help with the etcs that shall arrive.
and this doesnt limit to architecture, automatives aswell

my email if u prefer head to head interraction about this.
i know u out there with the same idea, pliz reachout! :slight_smile:

I’d recommend taking a look at the Virtual Camera sample they just shipped with 4.20. Intended for recording, but uses an iPad with ARKit to navigate and view a UE4 scene.

I wouldn’t rule out VR with full 6DOF standalone headsets coming out in the near future. Cost comparable to anything you are using for phone/tablet AR (unless you are making everyone use their personal device).

Where can I find this virtual camera sample? I only see the Handheld AR template. Thanks.

EDIT: Doh! Found it in the Launcher->Unreal->Learn tab…