Hi everyone,
I’ve gone about implementing microphone input functionality on my Windows 10 machine based on the tutorial here: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/347976/basic-microphone-input-with-ue4.html. I’ve gotten it to a point where I have sound coming in and can even hear it in playback, but I’m not able to read in the sound buffer continuously. After a few ticks (even if there is a strong microphone input) it just pretends as if there is no data.
The reading starts again only if there is a pause of silence in the microphone input and then the input sound is resumed.
I tried messing with timers and settings but in the end found a log warning that keeps popping up: LogVoiceCapture: Warning: Resetting UncompressedAudioBuffer
This I found belongs to the file VoiceCaptureWindows.cpp, and it seems as if this uncompressed audio buffer keeps overflowing. Not sure whether this has anything to do with it.
Any help appreciated Can’t find a place where this problem has been faced, so feel free to point me in the right direction even