I have a rather specific question, and it’s basically about the uasset/umap file format.
I have TeamCity running for our team, and we currently have some debug logic still in our project. The player’s pawn, which is placed in the level, has a blueprint variable (a bool). This variable should always be false when TeamCity starts packaging.
Unfortunately, sometimes people forget to disable it before submitting their work. So the build machine starts packaging, but even though it succeeds it’s kind of useless.
Now, what I’d like to do, is to add a build step that simply makes sure this variable is set correctly. But I’m still not massively experienced with controlling UE over command line.
I looked at the umap file, and noticed that it only stores the variables for the asset that are not their default value. So now I’m trying to figure out how to get the default value for the variable from the pawn uasset file. But I can’t figure out if there’s a certain file format.
So basically, what I’d like to do:
→ Of a known uasset file, find the default value of a known blueprint variable (bool)
→ Check and possibly change the value of that variable of the pawn in the umap file
through the command line, and if possible without opening Unreal Editor.
I couldn’t really find anything on this, and I wouldn’t be incredibly surprised if this isn’t possible. But hopefully someone knows