Reading Structs from Blueprint Actor in PCG Graph

Where can I find information on using the “Get Actor Property” PCG Node to access variables inside of a struct.

I figured out how to get the Struct from the Blueprint (or at least I think I did) but i do not know how to break the struct like you would in blueprint graph to get the variables inside of the struct to then plug them into a PCG Graph Node input?

I set the Property Name to the name of the Struct Variable in the Blueprint, and have clicked option for getting object/struct. How would i get “Box Extents” variable from the assigned actor property “Wall Settings” struct in the blueprint?

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If I understood your question here is the answer :slight_smile:

I found the solution:
Create a struct for your variables

The names for your Struct Variables should match the “exact name” displayed when hovered over the attribute in PCGGraph

Create a variable in blueprint for the struct

Use “Get Actor Property” node in PCG Graph and set (Property Name) to name of Struct Variable in Blueprint

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