Reading images coming over network without saving

Hi !

Im new using Unreal Engine and I work in a company which needs to stream images sequence over network without saving these.
The scheme is : Bytes Array is sent over network with UDP protocol and my objective is to read these image to simulate a “video stream”

I don’t know if this functionality is already existing or if I have to modify certains part like MediaFramework

Waiting for your answers, thank you in advance !

Split your source image into fraggments (vertical/horizontal/square/whatever) so that each fragment can fit a small UDP packet. On the receiving end, you also fragment the image and update it “per fragment”. If you think of a single frame as of a single image, you will likely fail or set yourself up for major issues. Packet loss and lag are unavoidable to an extent so you have to think of “minimizing” your image losses.

Also, I assume you know this, but I’ll state it anyway, for the record: the fragments of your image have to be compressed/decompressed, which assumes you have to read about the available codecs in order to choose the one which has the best quality/compression ratio for your needs.

The receiver will always need to have a buffer though, where is stores the last complete frame, in order for the screen to read it.

Thank you for you fast response. My main problem actually is to figure out how to display the data I receive, I have linked a Widget blueprint which contains an image that I use as Widget class in the MotionControllerPawn in VRTemplate. I dont know how I can “update” this texture" to change the image displayed. I understand it may be a bit blur as I am actually x)

There is an actual implementation in unreal engine for this, the pixel streaming is using this feature but in a different way you need to: Pixel Streaming | Unreal Engine Documentation, but this plugin is also using another one in the experiemental section called BackChannel which uses OSC protocol for the data transmission over TCP, you might want start digging into that code to have a clear idea, it doesn’t seam over complicated and as for the texture, you can simple use this approach: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements and Releases - Unreal Engine Forums it is very similar to the method they are using