Reading/Getting the output from a light function in BP

So, I’m working on some prototypes for a universal light flicker BP that I can use for any fires, torches or candles.

The actual light flicker I like best comes from a light function material attached to a point light, however, I also want to change other aspects of the light component at runtime.

E.g. I want the light temperature to slightly go up or down based on the change in light intensity, I want the light to “dance” up and down a bit based on the flicker, and I want the radius to grow or shrink.

I could replicate some kind of flicker in BP that aims to mimic to the light function, but that would basically do the same thing twice.

So the question is:
Is there any way to read/get the output from a light function and pipe it into a blueprint functions?
Or is there a way to get some sort of custom variable output from a light function to drive blueprint logic?