Reading from multi-line text box line by line?

Hi everyone! I work for a cybersecurity firm so I decided to just make a little baby applet thing to reduce some of the tedium of the job. One of the things I wanted to do was just have a text box, where I could paste in a block of listed IP addresses, and then have them looked up through the Launch URL node. This works great for a single IP, but obviously, it can’t work for a whole bunch at a time. Is there some way of reading each line of text individually into an array and then doing a lookup for each individual one?

You can use this node

Not sure if new line works as delimiter but you can use different separator like comma for example

Thank you so much! That worked perfectly, and for future reference, a new line does work as a delimiter!

Also for future reference, to set the delimiter to “new line” in the Parse Into Array node, simply press Shift+Enter in the Delimiter text field.