Is there a way to read out all the rows in a data table and apply the correct position and rotation to the object in these rows?
The thing is, I want to use a data table with information about position and rotation of objects and attach the information to the correct static mesh. (screenshot_01 shows the data table in Excel).
Now I am able to do this with two objects (see screenshot_02), but for this project that I am working on it must be applied to 1000 or maybe even 10000 objects. Every object is a row in the data table.
At the moment I am selecting the Row Name by hand but as you might imaging I don’t want to do that for 1000 objects.
Is there a way to get this to work on 1000 rows and not just 1 or 2?
I am struggling with blueprints for a while now and I am not able to find the solution to my problem. I searched this forum but so far I did not find the right solution that works for me.
Maybe it is good to point out that I am an artist and relatively new to blueprints, so it might be that the solution is really obvious but I am not able to solve it on my own, so I really appreciate your help.
You can ignore the “wrapper” column in the data table at this moment.
If you are kind enough to post an answer please attach screenshots, because as an artist I am used to pictures and colors and not to lines of text
I hope that I explained it clear enough, if not please let me know.
I attached other screenshots to show the blueprint in more detail