Read In-App Purchase Information, Display Price is Empty? (iOS)

I just released my iOS mobile game, I use this blueprint for my in-app purchases, but on iOS I think the Display Prices seem to return empty? The Android version is exactly the same and seems to be working fine.

When I purchase, items do link correctly to the information in App Store Connect.

Untitled 3

Thankfully Raw Price is working, have to use it instead of Display Price for now; not the ideal solution because the format is different/you have to format the text yourself.

Had to post in the forum because it was urgent.

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How did you get the “Read In App Purchase Information V1” ?.. I keep getting the V2. I changed the iosEngine.ini to false, it still not available in the blueprint. I can’t get out of BreakOnlineProxyStoreOffer, which outputs nothing.

Help please, thanks