I am trying to launch an Unreal application from a website with a provided URL.
I cannot figure out how to read the intent extra data in Unreal. I need this, in order to performs different actions based on the data that is provided with the link.
let’s say there is a uri in my website in this format:
when the user click on the link it will start the unreal application and based on the params provided here I want to spawn different actors to the level.
You can use UnrealPluginLangauge (UPL) to add the category to the intent in the AndroidManifest.xml and add Java code to GameActivity.java to read the custom_param1 like in the stackoverflow answer. You will need to add JNI to call the Java routine from C++ to get the value. You can do this like Josh mentioned in the other AnswerHub you posted to: link text
Hi I’m using Mobile Utils[1] plugin to add method the gameActivity.java and be able to add category to the AndroidManifest.xml.
I found this guide of how to add the new intent-filter.
This is how I to loop through the activity and add a new intent-filer and fill it up with new category, but it’s also get added to the first intent filter.
I want to do the same thing, could you provide please how do you achieve it? How can you access the custom_param1 value inside unreal?.
I have the APL configured similar to yours, with some addition on gameActivityOnCreateAdditions to get the custom_param1 value, but now, I don’t know how to pass this value to one of my c++ functions or blueprints.