Reach Target with IK Rig/IK Target issues, please help :)

Hi guys I’m working on an FPS project and learning UE5 at the same time and I’m currently working on a reload animation. I have a single reload animation that I’m using for reloading rifles and I want to modify it by code so that the left hand will find the clip on each rifle procedurally. I’m able to set up the IK Rig node with Animation Curve so that the animation is affected when I want it to but the way is affected is all wrong. I’m passing the clip’s world location as an IK target exactly same as they do it in the Content Examples but when I do so the left hand that goes completely of the rails like in the video and I’m not sure why. I even tried to abstract it from my project and just get this working with the simplest setup in almost exact same way as in the example with 2 differences only and those are that the target is stationary and not randomly changing position every few seconds and the I’m just using an idle animation and trying to get the hand to constantly reach out to the target while in this animation (I also tried with the press button animation like in the example) but it’s also doing the same thing. Please help! :slight_smile: :innocent: