Hi everyone it’s something that I’ve doing on my free time hope you find it interesting.
All the assets used was from the store, mixamo and quixel bridge. and the female protag is Paragon Countess. I didn’t animate any of this, I just retargeted animations in unreal, blended them together and created a sequence, did some level design and vfx.
P.S: have mercy on the sound design not my forte
and there will be no gameplay, it’s just a cinematic trailer.
Tell me your thoughts. Thank you.
This felt like a trailer for an Isometric Hack 'n Slash game and I got far too excited about that prospect. Mainly because of how gorgeous the characters looked and how action-packed the combat appeared. My gaming drought aside, the trailer is incredibly well done and has a really great high-quality feel to the animations and lighting.
Thanks so much for sharing and I hope to see more!
@PresumptivePanda this really made my day thank you so much with your kind words. I’ll learn and create more in unreal. Then will post of my work again.