Re-scale imported character

I imported character with a scale of 2.0. Then, skeleton, animations and meshes are based on this scale in Unreal.

How do I change scale again, without doing all from scratch?
I can tweak the scale of animation assets in import settings, but nothing will change, because everything derives from a skeleton scale.

So far I tried:
1 Reimporting with a new asset, which is scale of 1.0. No luck, scale will remain 2.0;
2 Tried deleting original scaled skeleton and replacing the reference with on that is scaled to 1.0, no luck it will still use scale of 2.0;
3 Rescaling in skeleton blueprint - there is a bug in Unreal 4.27.2 - cannot change scale, vector 3 variables will keep randomize if I change any value.


Have you tried maybe checking if re-targeting options fix this?
Go intro skeleton asset press the cog and press “show retargeting options”.
Maybe animation scaled or animation relative could fix this?

I forgot to mention, I tried this too - retargeting maintains the scale too. So that will not fix it.

I think animation is based on skeleton and not the opposite, so it will not do.

Are you willing to share the mesh for tests?