I first launched a aligment and a reconstruction in high details.
Then, I want to add new pictures and do the process again.
I can see that the 2nd alignment is faster (because it uses the cache data,I think).
But for the reconstruction, I can see that the program does again the features detection on images already used and that the calcution of depht maps seems to take as long as in the first reconstruction : are the depth maps not re-used to speed up the process ?
Hi BrestScan3D
in short if add imgs then yes we reuse “cached” points detected previously
best if set in WORKFLOW -> SETTINGS -> CACHE location to some big+fast drive, say D:/RC_temp/
(and clear from time to time ) + ( when set custom folder not forget to use CLEAR CACHE first )
For the depth maps, yes they can be reused but if you add images the depth maps are need to be again recalculated as you get
additional data from other cameras = it change per camera depth map even already calculated ones ( cannot be more specific on this… )
the depth map reuse is good if need create new mesh per same already calculated model, say bigger area, just small areas or disabling some of the cams for various reasons…