I couldn’t figure out how to properly word this, but are we supposed to “Add to Project” each time we update an asset in the Vault? And just overwrite existing files each time?
Yes, that’s how you do it
Mostly it will overwrite, but sometimes ( if the vender has made a new release for example ), you’ll get an entirely new folder…
There is one thing you have to watch out for. If you directly tweaked anything in the pack ( like material instances etc ), all that will be lost when you overwrite. So it’s a good idea to always copy something before editing it for you own use, and then put that asset into your map.
Excellent, thank you.
Ah, good point, thank you. I’ve actually made a habit of doing that already but it’s good to know I should be safe to update projects wherever necessary.
Would it be bad form to ask an unrelated question in this comment section or should I post it separately as a new question? It has to do with having a master project containing access to all of my assets, material creations, meshes, particle systems, audio files, etc.
Ask it here if you like…
I’m wondering how others handle assets – whether of their own creation or supplemental.
Although I could never package it due to its enormous size and bloat, I have a single “workbench” sort of project within which I treat levels as separate projects themselves. This way I have ready access to everything to quickly experiment in ways I could never anticipate.
The obvious problem is the chaotic file and folder structure. I attempted to create a more localized structure (i.e., by copying files into level-specific folders which could then be migrated to a blank project) but it just got too unwieldy and inefficient, and having potentially dozens of duplicate meshes, mats, textures, FX, etc., just seems like a terrible idea.
I realize my workflow is suboptimal so I welcome any thoughts on how to improve it. How do you manage all of your content as well as that from the Marketplace?
I just leave everything in the folder in came from the marketplace in.
Once ( recently ) I did move all my sounds into one folder. Never again. Took HOURs…
Sorry, what I meant was all assets and creations within a single project (and yes, leaving each within their default directory structures). The reason being is that it provides ready access to everything at all times. The problems with this approach are obvious though, and I’m wondering how other artists and developers have established their workflows.
For example, my current “workbench” project is 150GB. Not ideal. Although within that single project are dozens of levels which are essentially their own projects. But I’m also saving a lot of disk space (as well as time and effort) vs. having each as a separate project with assets added redundantly, so the trade-offs have seemed worth it so far.
150G, same as me
I use it as a work area, yes. And then, when you’re ready, you can make a new project of the required type, and migrate the main map. All the other needs components will go with it.
So you end up with a small project.
Ah good then! Thank you for the sanity check