RC on Virtual Machine Licencing issue


I’m having this issue with running RC on my Virtual Machine.

I downloaded a demo, install it and after successful installation, I double clicked on a app and 2 windows pop out with a license error.

I’m running a (unactivated) Windows 10 pro using Unraid VM. 26 virtualized cores with Nvidia GPU. Freshly installed OS with newest drivers. I’m able to install and run the same version on my laptop.

I’m using 2 VMs to work on one and compute on the other (like photogrammetry for example). Is there a workaround to this?


Please try this version https://rcbuilds.capturingreality.com/20210225-667-F2C49E6E-564B-4C93-AA17-6AD98967C10F- .  You may have downloaded during a small window when we had a version that had some licensing issues, and this may still be stored in your cache.

It is also possible that your specific VM will not work with RealityCapture. There’s more information on VMs here https://support.capturingreality.com/hc/en-us/articles/360021646712-RealityCapture-on-virtual-machines



Thank you for reply!

I tried the link you provided, still not working. I’m reading on this page:
That floating licenses are working on Virtual Machines and I should do = “ Enable the floating licensing” in your MY Account.

I don’t see such a button on your webpage, I might be doing something wrong


I’m not even able to put in the license (by login in) after fresh install I open it, and immediatelly error mentioned above pops up

Hi Marek, 

We will contact you shortly.