RC seems to be using and leaving quite a lot of temp data in the user spaces.
Atm, I see 67gb in c:\users\<userid>\appdata\local\temp\RealityCapture
Is there some way to control where these temp files are written? (so at least all users on a machine could share a directory for performance or housekeeping)
Are these needed between sessions? If not, maybe a clean up on exit (option) would be good too.
Thank you
Not sure if this is a bug or a feature request or just another set of controls I haven’t found yet…
You have two options:
change the cache location in the settings
set RC to delete its cache on application exit.
Not deleting the cache while you are working on a particular project is recommended.
Otherwise RC will have to process some data over and over again.
Thanks shadowtail…
So just me still getting up to speed…
So if I set them to save in project folder, then everyone (if we had more users) would get to use the same cache files on that project? Seems like a win - and then delete them when archiving the project.
Thanks again!
Hi Jennifer Cross
Not possible to use same folder for RC CACHE, or get in really hard corruption of data. Best if you palce it in custom folder
like X:/RC_CACHE and clear if form time to time ( project scope dependent )