Raytraced Rendering Megascans Assets - Black Lines

I’m getting black lines rendering from mega scans elements. I wasn’t sure what it was at first, but I’ve discovered it seems to only stem from megascan assets.

The other odd issue is these lines only appear from one side. If the camera is on the other side, they do not seem to appear.

The lines do not appear in the editor viewport, only after rendering in the movie queue renderer.

The settings we use have been used for the past couple of years without issues and using Megascans assets. Not sure what to do here.

In the preview images, I’ve shown one render with foliage on (megascan assets) and one with them off. You see the lines dissapear mostly with only lines appearing from a wrench which is also megascans. Other megascans assets appear fine such as the chair, worktable, propane tanks etc.

I have the same issue. I don’t know the exact fix tho