Raytrace Frame using UI Widget

Hi all! I am working on a car configurator and would like the user to be able to render the output configuration they create.
The user can currently orbit the scene and access two cameras (exterior orbit camera, and a static interior camera) and change material a and color variations.

I want to add a “Render” button which (in my mind) would access e.g. Render Sequence settings and render the frame using preset settings (e.g. 1080p res with X-samples). I would need to add some sort of gallery where the generated renders would then saved and the user can view them later on and save them locally.

Is this possible? If so, how would one implement this render functionality?

I’d appreciate any help I can get!

EDIT: I found this piece of documentation which is exactly what I am looking for:

Unfortunately I receive an instant crash when I activate the event via UI button. Im not sure what’s causing it. This is my setup:

The sequence I am referencing is empty and only contains the player pawn camera (from my understanding it should render the my car scene as is, and use the specified camera in the sequence, correct?)