Hello there guys !
I posted this question at answerhub, but to no avail. I’m trying to figure out if there is a way to use a raycast to determine the point where the ray “exits” the mesh. Here’s a demonstration :
It is crucial for me to find a way to locate that exit point so as to calculate the object’s line of sight thickness ,which I’ll use for terminal ballistics calculations.
Thank you in advance,
Hmm very interesting problem…
How thick are objects? Can be more objects stacked behind?
I have only idea to make second trace. When you hit object:
[Impact] + [trace fwd vector] × 10 000?
Then get this calculated point and shot second trace from there TO start point of your first trace. That might work 
That was roughly my backup plan if Unreal has nothing to offer for this purpose by default. But this seems very sketchy in terms of computational efficiency (load on hardware) to me ,especially in an object crowded scene. Then again ,at this point I think there’s nothing else to do except if I’d modify the source code that I’m completely unqualified to do. Anyways ,my best thanks for stopping by and dropping a useful thought 
P.S. As about objects getting in the way of the backtracing raycast ,I think identification by object name acquired from the initial raytrace hit, would be enough to sort the right result out of the rest. Now about max thickness ,well a destroyer (warship) sized object would be the largest in my scene. Say about 100+ meters of length.