Raycast for brush

Is there a way for raycasts to detect geometry brushes because I created a lightswitch using brushes and I want raycast to detect it. Is there a way?

Solved it. Just converted the brush I was using as a static mesh. If you guys have other idea I would love to hear it,

Sorry for digging out a dinosaur, but maybe someone will find it useful - I’m using simple function to get floor and surprisingly it works for brushes too.

 bool AMyCharacter::CheckFloor() {
	FVector TraceStart = GetActorLocation();
	FVector ab = CapsuleComponent->GetScaledCapsuleHalfHeight()*Zaxis*1.05;
	FVector TraceEnd = TraceStart - ab;
	FHitResult OutHit;
	GetWorld()->LineTraceSingleByObjectType(OutHit, TraceStart, TraceEnd, FCollisionObjectQueryParams(ECC_TO_BITFIELD(ECC_WorldStatic) | ECC_TO_BITFIELD(ECC_WorldDynamic)), FCollisionQueryParams(TEXT("IKTrace"), false, this));

	if (OutHit.bBlockingHit)return true;
	return false;

I’m tracing for any object below a character, if LineTrace hits something it returns true value. As I said, it worked for brushes too.