Here’s the closeup of the sphere showing the aliasing…
Which is the resolution are you using by the way? For the size of the viewport and the size of the font it seems quite high and would be nice to know. I agree with you that there is aliasing in the reflection and very noticeable.
I think you can build a small project with some elements, define the conditions to replicate it, like resolution and the settings you used for reflections, and submit the project in the Bug sugmission form. I would be really helpful for the dev team.
Thanks for the reply Nilson. I’m not sure what the resolution is while working in the viewport (default window layout). I’m working on a 4k display.
The biggest issue is there don’t seem to be smooth transitions when normal maps are applied. Higher resolution Normal maps seem to help but only slightly. I remember last year during the Star Wars reflections demo, someone at Epic mentioned not using Normal maps and instead modeling the imperfections in the mesh itself. Maybe this is related?
I’ll do as you say and produce a more scientific test…
About the 4k it is ok, because the interesting part is the density of the pixels in the image, so even if the viewport was reduced way below it is still useful info.
Yeah, I do remember they mentioning about the normal maps at Star Wars demo. Maybe [USER=“4894”]Tim Hobson[/USER] and [USER=“9”]Stephen Ellis[/USER] could get some more details about this for us, because the correct workflow to follow is very important.
I submitted a bug report and project to EPIC. I just made a blank project and made a simple scene with a sphere and the FirstPersonCharacter. I added a keyboard input event so I can increase/decrease the FOV while playing. Default editor workspace and sizing on a 4k monitor.
Here’s screenshots of the scene at 90 FOV and then zoomed in. You can see pretty aggressive stairstepping on all edges but it almost appears as if you are looking through a glass window. Where each square cell is slightly offsetting and refracting the image behind it (the squares don’t move, they seem a fixed pattern). Curious to know what’s going on. Whether it’s just a fixed limitation or something we can mitigate?
That looks like the normal issue they’re discussing in the post right above yours. The sphere normals are being ignored or mishandled.
Did you monitor your GPU memory usage? You might be crashing due to out of memory errors. Ray-tracing is more memory-intensive than without it. Projects that run fine on a GPU without ray-tracing may run into memory issues if you were already close to your limits.
1- First bad thing about ue4 ray tracing is = not supporting emissive material , second bad thing is dont supporting [not casting shadow] for static mesh , unchecking cast shadow dont work in raytracing
2- Path tracing is unbiased ? So why it has too much noise ?
3- Path tracing dont have denoiser ?
4- Can we see beta raytraced baking in 4.23 ? Because raytracing has too much noise , as architect i prefer to bake light (i love to bake in unreal without lightmaps)
5- in future can we see hybrid raytracing ? Cpu+gpu ? We see offline rendering using cpu for raytracing
6- changing source radius for point lights affect lighting but changing source angel of sun light does not has effect on lighting
7- can we use hybrid lightmass and path tracing ? for example we bake [static]walls and [static]floors with lightmass skylight but we use path tracing skylight for complex objects and set them movable
Sorry for bad English
Static Meshes definitely cast shadows.
That’s how unbiased, progressive path tracing looks. You need to ramp up the samples and sit back and wait for several hours to get a smooth result.
I agree here, it should. Keep in mind that path tracing in UE is an afterthought for reference renders, probably someone’s pet project. I imagine some amazing stuff is going to be built the community on the back of it, but for now it’s not their focus.
Yeah, that’d be nice. I actually want to see a hybrid solution that uses baked lighting in the distance and replaces it with a raytrace pass up close, if there’s any performance gain from that.
That’s really unrealistic. GPU raytracing outstrips the speed of CPU raytracing by several orders of magnitude. You’d never even notice that the CPU was contributing.
Still too slow to be considered useful for real-time applications. Fully usable real-time path tracing is a generation or two away.
At the current state of development is it possible to achieve good looking pathtraced still images? I’m using GTX 1070 and my simple test scene can’t get any further than that (white spots won’t go away).
If you’re actually using the render as an asset can you take it into photoshop and run Dust & Scratches on it?
thanks for your answer
how you achieve this with 1070
my 1060 has two much noise
are you using skylight for this scene or something else ?
If you’re getting lots of noise turn up your light sources and adjust the result with auto-exposure. All of the tricks you use to improve path tracing will work with RTX.
Dust & Scratches and some additional photoshop denoising can improve quality, but still, it would be rather bad quality, especially with textures on, when you can’t go aggressive on blurring.
I used only default set of UE lights - directional ligh and skylight.
Good day! I perform raytracing tests on the RTX 2070, managed to get rid of the noise, but in no way could I get rid of the glow around some objects ((can they tell me how to cope with this? What would I not change PTX settings, nothing helps
Hey Czaja91. My English is bad. So I’m sorry, please. Path tracing is active with 1070 graphics cards. But even though I have made all the instructions, he’s not active. How can I do that. ?
Are you lighting your scene with a HDRI or skylight? Are you using RTGI? I had similar issue with skylight + RTGI, you’ll get halos and other artifacts…so I disable skylight.
Try isolating the rendering features and light to see what is causing the problem. Try lighting with lights, turn off everything else(RTGI,reflection,AO,post process).
edit: I think it’s related to the RTGI(it’s really experimental feature). See my attached pics. The one with the black arrow is RTGI = ON, the other one is RTGI = OFF.