I’m wanting to create a heightmap from a custom data source that is compatible with UE4’s import but I haven’t found anything that indicates what RAW format(s) it actually accepts. From what I’ve read there are almost a dozen different formats and its hit or miss whether or not they have the RAW extension. I know it needs to be 16 bit grayscale but what I really need is a link to a spec for the file format or at least the specific variation expected. Oddly if I just store save the 16 bit pixels only in a file and call it .RAW it seems to not complain, but it also doesn’t look right. I tried the PNG route but trying to create the proper file from source data in grayscale using GDI+ (windose) but you can only generate from an array using RGB and have to convert to grayscale.
Anyone have a link for the RAW file format spec?
Also curious if the umap file formats are described anywhere as I might end up doing a direct conversion later on to save production folks conversion headaches. Haven’t run into it in the unreal documentation yet. Perhaps there is a way using the UE4 api to generate the level definition files?