Ratchet and Clank Guns, Mechanics and Gadgets

Hello, for those of you wondering, I did not stop the creation of this tutorial series.

    1. It’s exam period so the video flow should be back in approximately a month (maybe less)
    1. I installed maya on my system and started messing around with simple poly modelling (for a rough weapon approximation) as well as ART(Animation and Rigging Toolset by epic). I just made the anim graph and a 1/3 of the total animations.
    1. I added thumbnails to all the videos as well as a banner on the first post of this thread.

Thanks for your patience!

First part of the animation system is live :slight_smile:

The source code just got uploaded to github !

Changing engine versions should not be done in production, but in this case, the editor crashed upon importing animations from maya (as an fbx).

Jump attack, melee 3 hit combo swings, grappling animation. Enjoy!

Glove & Rifle idle animations as well as throw & recoil respectively.


Im waiting for driving/mount system and grappling :smiley:

The grappling is almost done (I’m figuring some simple math for the rotation). What is this mount system you are talking about? The only thing that comes to mind would be the hoverboard racing…but that’s not core Ratchet and Clank, it can be easily implemented as a different game/side-game.

well all ratchet and clanck have driving :frowning: i love it because you can shot missils from them (most)

Do you mean piloting the spaceship?

Not rly space, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-H3tE7L60vQ and there was another better in deadlocked, like a tank where 2 players can join

Yeah, that as well as the hoverboard or rocket scooter racing?

Flamethrower :slight_smile:

Seeker missle gun

Combustor: the base gun in every ratchet and clank game. Now with autoaim :slight_smile: (implementation varies).Enjoy.

Mr Zurkon (can be converted to agents of doom with some modifications - which is my fav weapon on the series).

Proton Drum

OMG in love with last tutorial (L) i have to admit my game is not a ratchet and clank similar but the logics are just awesome and find this for free… ue community is just awesome

Thanks! More tutorials on the way!