Ranger of Death - Unreal Spellar Performance

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For submissions, please include the tag SpellarPerformance

Ranger of Death - Spellar Performance

[Ranger of Death] https://youtu.be/q2jgbc70Kj8

Student Submission: Yes

Credits to sourced content:

  • Paragon Characters and Props

insert a screenshot of your project (in the editor)


  • Did you use Houdini? Yes
  • Description - A ranger is out for vengeance and he summons the powers of hell to
    vanquish the dead.
  • Engine version - 5.0.3

That was sick! I really dig the death animation at the end. My dude got exploded lol

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Thanks Andy. Really glad you liked it.

Greetings @kennetherhabor !

Welcome back!

Enter the Ranger of Death - The Grim Reaper’s more stylish brother! LOL! I really dig the title and the look of the character. Extremely badass!
:boom: :gun::cowboy_hat_face:

Great cinematic camera shot of the final blow! Well done!

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Thanks for the kind words.

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