Randomness in Physics

Good day. I have noticed that UE4 physics has a variability to it; starting from exactly the same initial conditions, and with no random processing manually introduced into a blueprint, two consecutive runs of a UE4 game that includes physics can produce different results. This may be a feature that can be turned off, I hope so; it would certainly be very disconcerting if there is such large variability / randomness inherent in the UE4 physics simulation system itself.

To see this behaviour, you can set up a simple scene with physics yourself and, from identicalk start conditions, see how consecutive runs turn out differently. But I have made a simple cannon system which demonstrates this very nicely. You can view it here:

Is there any way for me to ‘switch off’ this ‘noise’ in what-should-be deterministic dynamics?


I think this randomness is the consequence of a series of measures to mantain a stable performance. This can be possibly fixed, or at least very improved, with physics sub-stepping. Check out this link: Physics Sub-Stepping - Unreal Engine

You might also want to implement something from here in code: Fix Your Timestep! | Gaffer On Games

Thank you, I am reading the links you provided and it does make sense. Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi! Have you solved your problem? In fact, I tried to enable sub-stepping. After that, I still couldn’t reproduce the same traffic system in unreal engine totally the same.