Randomly Assigning FVectors To Objectives With Restrictions? C++ OR BPs

I have my C++ class set up to create 20 objectives. 1 ‘bad’ objective and 19 ‘good’ ones. The aim is to use the ‘bad’ one. I need to now assign my 20 objectives to random target points on the map which I have created.

I’ve been struggling for a couple of days now to try and figure this out, I’ve searched everywhere and still not received any answers. I’m ideally trying to complete this task in C++, so blueprint help isn’t the best, although I am welcoming to it!

I’ve tried creating ‘TArray tpActors;’ and dragging the target points made in the game into there but it throws this error:

‘LogProperty: Warning: Illegal TEXT reference to a private object in external package (TargetPoint /Game/Maps/Exhibit_Level_01.Exhibit_Level_01:PersistentLevel.TargetPoint_1) from referencer (BP_Spawner_Actor_C /Game/Blueprints/Spawner/BP_Spawner_Actor.Default__BP_Spawner_Actor_C). Import failed…’.

I can’t seem to find a way to fix this or get around it?

Even trying to manually input it seems to be difficult? I’ve tried connecting it with blueprints too but I’m slightly confused on how to connect them as when I try drag my TargetPoints into the blueprint it doesn’t allow access to it?

Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated!!!