Random spawner, spawns below the surface

Hey all, I’ve currently got this setup to produce a vector greater the Near and within Far collision spheres. As the collisions are spheres the randomly generated vectors are being produced below the surface.

What changes do I need to make so that the vectors are always above ground?



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Thank you!

Which of the two methods would you say has the lower impact on performance?

tl;dr: No clue.

Is this even measurable? I’d use the setup that looks cleaner at a glance to you. Technically speaking, the fewer BP nodes the better… but you’d need to call it million times, at which point the cost of a long loop is a thousand fold greater than the cost of calling the node. :person_shrugging:

Not advocating for writing inefficient script but optimise where it makes sense. This is probably not the right thing to worry about.

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