When I randomly select stuff, engine freezes. Sometimes for up to a minute, sometimes permanently or so long that I stop counting.
Hi TobiasRipper,
Thank you for the report. We have assigned one of our technicians to investigate your issue and they may post here with additional questions or comments.
Please include your Dxdiag (system specs).
Windows: Go to the Start menu and type ‘dxdiag’ into the search bar. Open the file and then click ‘Save All Information’. Post that text file here.
Mac: Go to the Apple menu and click ‘About This Mac’.
Hi TobiasRipper,
In addition to posting your Dxdiag, please describe what kind of project you are working in when this happpens. (ie. Is it one of our templates with starter content included?) Do you ever get the Crash Reporter pop-up window. If so, can you copy the callstack from the description field and paste it here. Any additional information you can provide will help us narrow down the bug.
Today I have attempted to re-create the conditions which cause the issue and for some reason I am no longer able to do so. Everything works so I can only assume that the issue might have been client side as opposed to your software.
I’ll continue looking out for it.