Random Rotation rate is currently not working for GPU particles. Even if you set it to uniform, and something like max: 11 min -11. It will only spin on one direction.
Rotation Rate over time its not included within GPU particles :(. This is quite a bummer since GPU particles are the only ones with collision but collision looks unlrealistic if they cannot stop spinning after colliding with the ground :(.
Could this features be improved/included in the next versions of Cascade?
Thank you for your report, I was able to reproduce the issue and have entered a bug report, for reference UE_6108. As to your request we are working on adding this functionality to the editor, so stay tuned.
Please keep in mind that issues may be backlogged and not addressed for a while. If you feel this issue needs to be addressed and is of strong community interest feel free to vote on it and notify other members to vote on the issue. This will help bring attention to issues important to our users.
I still am not able to get a negative rotation rate on GPU particles. I’ve voted on the issue they opened, could other people vote too if they find this thread please. A bit crazy that it was first reported in 2014 and still has not been fixed!