Random Point In Bounding Box actor multiplication question

Hey there everyone,

I’ve got a quick question regarding an issue I’m having with the “Random Point In Bounding Box” blueprint node that I was hoping to get some help with.

So I’m currently trying to build this blueprint where upon an external trigger a Niagara/Cascade system randomly spawns within a bounding box to play out once.

However, instead of receiving one randomly place Niagara/Cascade effect upon every trigger, I’m getting 10-20 more than what I’m looking for. It appears that increasing the “Half Size” value or plugging in a “Get Actor Bounds” node seems to be causing the issue, but I’m not sure as to why or how to get around this.

As increasing those values or plugging in a “Get Actor Bounds” node is necessary to get things to spawn in a random point within the bounding box. There doesn’t seem to be any exposed parameters that allows me to control the amount of effects being generated within the set bounds, which leaves me quite perplexed with how to resolve the issue.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


According to your code you are not spawning 1 niagara system per event, but 1 system per frame for the duration of your timeline each time the event is triggered. Try to remove the timeline node to see if that fixes your problem.

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Finally got it working! Just had to change the output of the timeline from “Update” to “Finished”.
Once that connection point is updated all you have to do is add a “For Loop” node in there, and then you can purposefully control the multiplication amount.

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