Hey, so I have something really weird going on and I’m not sure what it is. There’s supposedly a wall-like object blocking my player and AI from walking through, but it isn’t there in any viewmode except for player collision.
As you can see, in the player collision viewmode, there is this wall that exists but every other viewmode doesn’t seem to have anything there. Any help as to what’s causing this would be greatly appreciated
Hi Zapking,
You’re not able to select it in Player Collision viewmode?!
You can press T to enable/disable ‘translucent selection’
You can also try making a copy of the map and deleting objects until it disappears.
Hope that helps.
Ok, so I technically have the problem fixed. I just got rid of the wall and made a new one. But I’m not sure what was causing that collision. I found that if I scale that wall on the x-axis, its player collision scales on the Y-Axis, and the same for scaling on the y-axis. I’m not sure if this is a bug or something I had set up. I figured I’d at least say something about it so I could be sure if it’s something on their end or if it’s something I can fix and it won’t happen again.
Oh wow, is the wall a static-mesh component inside of a Blueprint, or a Static Mesh Actor placed directly in the world? If it’s a blueprint, are you doing any logic in it?
It was at one point just a cube from the place actors panel. Now it has evolved to have a mind of its own where its X is its Y and its Y is its X.
Hm, I can’t think of any way a mesh could become ‘decoupled’ like that. To move forward with a bug report we’d need to be able to reproduce this with a newly placed cube. (No worries if you can’t reproduce this, we can chalk it up to one of lifes mysteries )