Random Picker

Hey! Super new – to the point where I don’t even know what to search for in documentation. I’m trying to make a simple bring the jewel to the capture device map, but I want to be able to have the jewel and the capture device appear in different places. I imagine that this means having multiple jewels and multiple capture devices and then having them turn on and off… but I have no experience so idk how to do that at all.

Can someone at least tell me what I should even be looking for? I’m usually able to teach myself stuff by following along with a tutorial just fine, but I don’t even know what that tutorial would be called.

(Also while I’m asking, is there any way to make the jewel be automatically picked up when you are near it instead of having to interact with it to pick it up? I’m trying to make it fast paced)

Hey purplejaek,

There are Auto Pickup settings in Island Settings for a few different types of items, But there are also overriding settings in other devices, like the Item Spawner Device, which gives a Run Over Pickup setting for the item(s) it spawns.

From the Fortnite Devices folder you will find Devices to help with your game.
There are a few ways to tackle your idea, depending on how you want the mechanics of this to happen.

You can either use an existing Crafting Consumable for the Jewel, in which case you’ll need a Capture Item Spawner.
Or you can use a fortnite prop or create a custom prop in which case you’ll need a prop manipulator to attach to it (or contain it).

There is the RNG Device for randomness, I don’t know much about that one yet.

The capture device, is the Capture Area Device.

If you want to use a custom prop it is a bit more tricky like maybe using a mutator zone and some method to check for prop owning, (like a player changing class when they get the jewel, the mutator can trigger an event when the player of that class enters its zone).

The User Option Functions of the different devices can be pointed to each other to achieve different things like Enable, Disable, Acivate and other Events.
So when something happens it can turn other devices on and off

If your keen on verse, there is the Snippets section, which should have a random number generator snippet, which would be superior to the RNG Device and an item spawner snippet.

Let me know if you need more clarity

Ok so I figured out a little more.

I have the Jewel set up with the Item Spawner and the run over pick up option.
I have the Goal set up as an Capture Area Device.

That is all good to go (other than getting the goal to not show that 0 points are scored when someone walks in without a jewel, but that is low priority right now).

Now with the RNG Device, it doesn’t have the option to give the output. So I imagine that I need to activate the Item Spawners and the Capture Area Devices with a custom device.

My very limited coding understanding is that I need the code to go something like
–Enable Capture Area Device (then some way for a random integer to be chosen to pick one of the devices – with the rest of them being disabled on default).
– (same thing but for item spawner)

  • Then essentially that same script, but instead of OnStart, it would be on Capture Area Device ItemIsDeliveredEvent

But I don’t know what to do really :sweat_smile: I have Visual Studio Code open and I’m trying to figure it out, but every video I’m watching is not really helping. I looked at the snippets, and I’m sure that will be helpful, but I guess I just need to know what to do with them.

I don’t know verse, but you can do without it, unless you need more functionality,

The RNG Device has 3 values that can be used, for more you can activate other RNG devices from a RNG Device.

You have 3 possible objectives to use the basic RNG Device, so change its settings to

  • Value Limit 1 - 1
  • Value Limit 2 - 3
  • Winning Value - 2
  • Pick Each Number Once - you choose,
    No is random every time it picks and needs reactivating to be used again
    Yes(reset each round)
    Yes(reset each game) if you have 3 rounds a game it keeps the chosen values across the rounds

When you go to the Capture Area and Capture Item Spawners change their settings to

  • Enabled During Phase - None

Then pick a Capture Area Device go down to User Options - Functions and hit the + on Enable, use the eyedropper tool to pick or select the RNG Device in list

The options you’ll use are On Win for 1st capture area, On Rolled Max for 2nd Capture Area and On Rolled Min for 3rd Capture Area

Each Capture Area needs to be disable by the other two RNG Rolls,
so 1st Device Enable by RNG - On Win
will then have Disable by RNG - On Rolled Max
and RNG - On Rolled Min

this will turn all Capture Areas on and off depending on the 3 way roll.

You can make another RNG Device to govern the Capture Item Spawner in the same way.