Random Maze Generation /help?

Can anyone help me unravel Michael Pattison’s Random Maze generator. I have come unstuck just trying to make the borders come out right.

Instead of getting…

I am getting…

I am running UE 4.15.2 and so far have got these blueprints

Hopefully someone has got this working - thanks


Other than missing an Index feed on the IntToGrid (last comment box shown), be sure to comb through the tutorial with a fine tooth comb, then go over it again. It works. It took me three times to get it right.

You’re missing something, just have to find it. And that’s the hard part, because you have already poured over it for a seemingly long time I am sure.

Proof that it works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42aLqq_3cYo

Thanks for coming back. Both my son and myself were curious about there being no index input - where does it come from?

Ha - for the first time in a couple of days we have managed to change the output by finding the index!! Still a way to go till we reach the dizzy heights of the video but thanks all the same.