Random Material distribution

Hi, for a client i need to materialize several variations of a product he designed.
It contains of 10 pieces.
Every piece should get another material.
The problem is that there are 20-30 different materials he wants me to test on his product
random distributed on the 10 pieces of his product. So there will be a lot of versions.
Another request is that he wants me to control the amount (lets say percentage) which material appears how much (in percent).
For example gold should appear just 5% but concrete should appear for example 40%.
I hope it is somehow understandable.
I thougt i can perhaps find a way to build a blueprint to handle the multi materials random distributed and controlling their appearance by percentage.
I am completely new to blueprint and hope somebody can help me with that or give a little tutorial.
I googled already a lot and find something like the variant manager. Don’t know if that helps me with the random distribution and the amount of appearance.
Thanks alot in advance!

Are you still trying to do this? It is totally possible. You need to understand about physical materials ( so you can give the materials types ), also arrays in blueprint.

Thank you ClockworkOcean!
I definitely still need it and will have a look at the physical materials and also the arrays in blueprint.
As i am completely new to everything in UE i think i will need some time to find out how that works. Will see :slight_smile:
When i don’t find out- unfortunately i am a bit in a hurry- i am willing to pay for someone perhaps setting up a blueprint script or something to help me out.
Thanks so far!

Hey! I am also facing the same issue. Anyone guide me how can i make real time posters for my gaming website?


This is the UDK forum. Please move this to the UE4/5 forum.

Greetings @nhstudio.hamburg !

Welcome to the Unreal Engine community! :medal_sports:

I agree with the last comment on this thread thus far. This thread is in the incorrect category. I understand how confusing it may be at first, so I have moved this topic from Legacy - UDK Programming and UnrealScript to Asset Creation. I’m not sure which engine version you’re using, so I added the optional “Materials” tag for you as well.

When posting, please review the categories to ensure your topic is posted in the most relevant space.

Thank you and have an awesome day!

'- Your Friendly Neighborhood Moderator

Hi @Get_DOVAH_it,

ok, sure and thank you!
Best regards

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And it is Unreal Engine 5

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I will come back tomorrow with a solution.

@ClockworkOcean i am really looking forward to it!!
Thanks for informing!

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I’ve made a working version as a code snippet

You should be able to paste it right into a blueprint actor.

Tell me if you can’t get it working and I’ll make a little demo project of it.

@ClockworkOcean Wow great! Thank you so much!! I will test it and try it out and will come back and give feedback! :pray: