Random integer in range - bug?

If I do this, it always returns -2147483648 no matter how many times I call it:


The values are the min and max limits for an Integer.

This one below always returns -2000000000 no matter how many times I call it (a little higher than the minimum limit):


This one below returns -4294967296 which is outside the range I’ve given:


Please, can you advise, is this a bug or am I missing something?

Using Unreal Engine 5.1


Weird thing is



I think ( without actually looking ), it’s using a 32 bit int for the entire range… :thinking:

Yeah, largest range is



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Looking at his previous post remove the dash at the begging of your number noticed the original reply has no dash and it worked

i have the same problem and notice this today that i cant set the max highscore on my game higher then this