I was trying to make a system to check if the AI can go inside a circle. The circle is placed on a random point on a map, and the AI must get inside it (Ai are using a Move To - See Image)
The end goal is for the circle to spawn somewhere on the map, and the ai must be able to get inside and navigate around it. (Think of it like the storm in Fortnite). (Image is the Circle script)
However, many times, the system generates this number, which appears to not change.
The number is: 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.0
This means that the ai just do not move, and the MoveTo keeps showing “Aborted”.
Is this a bug or is there something wrong with my code?
Any help would be greatly appreciated, this is a major roadblock for my project.
Cause may be in diffrent place you think, just to make sure put break point on AI MoveTo and when it’s get triggered hover over Destination pin which should see what vector is being inputted. Also tell which event this is plug in to and also note AI MoveTo node id latten action node, meaning it cut the execution thread and being resumed kind of like event and pins on nodes before that are reseted.
We’ve recently made a switch to a new bug reporting method using a more structured form. Please visit the link below for more details and report the issue using the new Bug Submission Form. Feel free to continue to use this thread for community discussion around the issue.
Thanks for responding! The “Move Around AR” event is just repeating the move to event, so that it will keep trying until it works, thus if the circle moves to a valid location, the ai will go there.
What do you mean by “node id latten action node”? I cannot seem to find it. I need a system that can check if the AI can go inside the circle, is there a better method to do this?