Random Crashes

I’m new to UE4, in fact I installed only a couple of days ago, but I can’t do much in it unfortunately, it crashes randomly after some time. Sometimes after 10 seconds, sometimes after 3 minutes. Doesn’t matter whether I’m opening the saved project (still empty) or creating a new one, the crash is inevitable. I don’t think it’s related to any specific setting, shape or anything I add, because sometimes it crashes when I click on a menu, sometimes when I move the camera, sometimes I just wait and it crashes anyway.


Fatal error: [File:D:\Build++UE4+Release-4.17+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Windows\D3D11RHI\Private\D3D11Util.cpp] [Line: 182] Unreal Engine is exiting due to D3D device being lost. (Error: 0x887A0020 - ‘INTERNAL_ERROR’)

UE4Editor_Core!FDebug::AssertFailed() [d:\build++ue4+release-4.17+compile\sync\engine\source\runtime\core\private\misc\assertionmacros.cpp:349]
UE4Editor_D3D11RHI!TerminateOnDeviceRemoved() [d:\build++ue4+release-4.17+compile\sync\engine\source\runtime\windows\d3d11rhi\private\d3d11util.cpp:192]
UE4Editor_D3D11RHI!VerifyD3D11Result() [d:\build++ue4+release-4.17+compile\sync\engine\source\runtime\windows\d3d11rhi\private\d3d11util.cpp:231]
UE4Editor_D3D11RHI!FD3D11Viewport::PresentChecked() [d:\build++ue4+release-4.17+compile\sync\engine\source\runtime\windows\d3d11rhi\private\d3d11viewport.cpp:289]
UE4Editor_D3D11RHI!FD3D11Viewport::Present() [d:\build++ue4+release-4.17+compile\sync\engine\source\runtime\windows\d3d11rhi\private\d3d11viewport.cpp:472]
UE4Editor_D3D11RHI!FD3D11DynamicRHI::RHIEndDrawingViewport() [d:\build++ue4+release-4.17+compile\sync\engine\source\runtime\windows\d3d11rhi\private\d3d11viewport.cpp:591]
UE4Editor_RHI!FRHICommandList::EndDrawingViewport() [d:\build++ue4+release-4.17+compile\sync\engine\source\runtime\rhi\private\rhicommandlist.cpp:1399]
UE4Editor_SlateRHIRenderer!FSlateRHIRenderer::DrawWindow_RenderThread() [d:\build++ue4+release-4.17+compile\sync\engine\source\runtime\slaterhirenderer\private\slaterhirenderer.cpp:876]
UE4Editor_SlateRHIRenderer!TGraphTask > >::ExecuteTask() [d:\build++ue4+release-4.17+compile\sync\engine\source\runtime\core\public\async\taskgraphinterfaces.h:784]
UE4Editor_Core!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksNamedThread() [d:\build++ue4+release-4.17+compile\sync\engine\source\runtime\core\private\async\taskgraph.cpp:650]
UE4Editor_Core!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksUntilQuit() [d:\build++ue4+release-4.17+compile\sync\engine\source\runtime\core\private\async\taskgraph.cpp:559]
UE4Editor_RenderCore!RenderingThreadMain() [d:\build++ue4+release-4.17+compile\sync\engine\source\runtime\rendercore\private\renderingthread.cpp:325]
UE4Editor_RenderCore!FRenderingThread::Run() [d:\build++ue4+release-4.17+compile\sync\engine\source\runtime\rendercore\private\renderingthread.cpp:459]
UE4Editor_Core!FRunnableThreadWin::Run() [d:\build++ue4+release-4.17+compile\sync\engine\source\runtime\core\private\windows\windowsrunnablethread.cpp:76]

This is the crash report I’m getting. And here is my DxDiag file. I’m on laptop.
Can you help me please? I have no idea what to do with it. Thanks!
link text

Thanks for replying,
I read myself through the comments but I noticed that the error code is different than mine in this report despite the same error message. Anyway I tried the Editor after installing the mentioned patch and it did make a little difference.
Unfortunately the crash still happens randomly but now in much bigger time intervals. I have like 3-5 minutes.

It may be aswell a cause of a faulty hardware,

I’ve been using Unity Engine on this laptop for two years now and never had any problem with that or any other software. I’m going to run a full memory test tomorrow just in case but the last time I did it was fine.
Any other idea perhaps?
Thank you

You can try with 4.15 or 4.14 ~

I noticed something important. It turns out that is runs with the integrated Intel video card and not with the much better Radeon dedicated one. I tried everything to make it use the dedicated one without success so far. There’s no disable option in Bios either.
Is there a parameter you can start UE with to define which display processor to run with?

Hello! You can read about your error in this other post, you have aswell there a solution:

We are still investigating this d3d hung crash issue. If none of the suggested work arounds assist you I would suggest working in a previous engine version that doesn’t have issues.

I would suggest of keep track of the error on this other post:

I suggest you aswell to copy your version of the error there.

okay. Now I’m sure the hardware is fine. I’d like to revert UE back to an earlier version but which one would you suggest? There are quite a few.

I tried 4.13. It was working fine until I dragged one chair object into the scene from the built-in assets. Then it froze and crashed. Same thing again and again unfortunately.
I give up… But thanks for your help anyway!
Have a great day!

Update: After having tried all of the UE versions and experienced the same crash, I finally managed to solve the “D3D device being lost” issue by setting the FPS limit to 30 instead of the default 60.
In the “…Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.17\Engine\Config\ConsoleVariables.ini” file, after the [Startup] line I put:
t.maxfps = 30

And now it is working fine, no matter what I do, can’t replicate the previous crash issue. If anyone is having the same problem, give this a try. It worked for me.