Random crashes

We experience random crashes of editor with given message:

Note, that stacktrace is different every time, but this part:

Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second  not available)
"Assertion failed: !bInitializedSerializationHistory [File:D:\BuildFarm\buildmachine_++depot+UE4-Releases+4.8\Engine\Source\Runtime\ShaderCore\Private\VertexFactory.cpp] [Line: 121]
VF type was loaded after en

is always identical. Crash occurs sometimes when starting play mode, stopping play mode, saving scene. What could that possibly be?

Hey ,

Are you working within 4.8.1? If so, how did you obtain the engine, was it through source or binary? Have you tried deleting your Config, Intermediate and Saved folders from your project folder? If not, could you please try to do that at this time and see if you still run into the same error. If you run into the same error, or if deleting these folders for some reason causes your project not to open, feel free to place them back into your project folder.

Another piece of information that is vital is a solid reproduction of this crash. Are you able to get this crash to happen on a fresh blank project? If so, could you please upload those as a .txt file to your next reply? If you’re not able to, is it isolated to the project you’re currently working within?

Please let me know how this affects your project and the error, looking forward to hearing back from you! Thanks!

It turns out, that it WAS because of “IMPLEMENT_VERTEX_FACTORY_TYPE”, but it only crashes on some machines. We are investigating it right now.

Its 4.8.1 from the launcher. We tried deleting those directories and it didnt help.

Once you’ve investigated the issue on multiple machines, feel free to supply the full error and we’ll be more than happy to look into the issue further for you.

Thank you!

Hey ,

I have not heard from you in quite a few days and for this reason, I will need to mark this thread as resolved. However, if you happen to have any additional questions or further concerns regarding this specific issue, please feel free to reply back as it will open this question back up.

Thank you and have a nice day!