Rama's Victory Plugin - Get/Set Custom Var String nodes - memory problem

Thread post HERE in Rama’s Victory Plugins thread.

Basically - when I use nodes “Set Custom Var String” and “Get Custom Var String” in blueprints, it seems that these (only strings) seem to hold a sticky value in memory of the UE4 editor. When I set the variables, it writes to the Game.ini just fine… and if I ever alter the Game.ini file manually (for debug purposes) these values wont read correctly when using GET node… I’ve tested the same with some Bools that are checkers for an autologin sequence I’m writing, which seem to update and read just fine in the editor… but the strings don’t. NOTE If I close the editor, and reopen the project (COMPILING WILL NOT DO THIS) the variables will then read the true setting in the Game.ini file.

Now I question if this is even going to be a problem, as I’m not yet that far into my SharedPrefs (UserSettings) .ini setup - but I did notice this in a bit of debugging manually and wondered if this is overcome at all (Releasing the memory allocation of these variables, or loading the Game.ini file somehow on game start) or if I even need tow orry about it?

I don’t want to get too far/deep into setting up the login & authentication - relying on these bp’s to work when ultimately they don’t :frowning: